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QuickLogic Blog

Great Press Coverage of our Recent ArcticPro eFPGA Announcement

We were very pleased to get a high level of interest and attention from the technical and business press when we made our recent ArcticPro™ embedded FPGA announcement.  The amount of coverage we received affirms our belief that this announcement represents a significant milestone for the semiconductor industry as a whole, and SoC developers in particular.  As a reader of this blog, you’ll probably recall that the announcement included not only ultra-low power ArcticPro embeddable FPGA IP, but also the development tools (Borealis™) necessary to integrate the IP and then develop and implement designs for it.  SoC developers now have a way to modify their devices post-production – saving a significant amount of development time, cost, and power for reasons that we’ve discussed previously.

The coverage was widespread and so you can likely find the relevant ArcticPro eFPGA article in your favorite publications, but we’ve included three links for you to enjoy.

EE Times

EE Times Europe

Electronics Weekly

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