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Battery-Powered Voice Processing for IoT Applications

Smartphones with integrated sensors have really helped drive down the cost and power consumption of sensor-based solutions. Lower cost and lower power sensor-based solutions have, in turn, enabled the “Internet of Things” (IoT) market to become established. However, IoT applications are different than smartphone applications in many ways. One of the most important is how […]

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Always Listening Voice Recognition – Hype or …?

A reader response to our recent blog on the EOS S3 capability to do always-listening voice recognition with Sensory’s TrulyHandsFree product inspired me to share a personal experience where I can see a use case for the technology. First, let me share a recent picture from a short hike I recently completed.  This breath-taking sunrise […]

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Dawn of a New Generation

A few weeks ago QuickLogic introduced its new, revolutionary EOS Sensor Processing Platform.  (In Greek mythology, Eos is the goddess of the dawn – symbolizing that this product represents “the dawn of a new generation of sensor processing systems”.)  The announcement garnered a lot of attention in the editorial and analyst community, with over 200 […]

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