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From the SensorsExpo 2015….

Greetings from an unseasonably cool and damp Long Beach, CA.  We’re in day #2 of the SensorsExpo 2015, showing our TAG, TAG-N, ArcticLink 3 S2 smartphone demo, the ArcticLink 3 S2 LP, as well as having a number of interesting conversations around our recently-announced SenseMe™ licensing. The general reaction here has been great; we’ve talked […]

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SenseMe — Our Platform or Yours…

Greetings! As we discussed briefly in the Q1 Earnings Call, yesterday we announced that our SenseMe™ sensor algorithm suite is now available for licensing.  This allows QuickLogic to not only sell our ArcticLink 3 S2 silicon platform with SenseMe, but to also license SenseMe to customers who may have an existing sensor hub in their […]

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Tomorrow’s Earnings Call…

I wanted to give you a heads up that on tomorrow afternoon’s Q1 2015 earning call (2:30 PM), we will be using a PowerPoint Presentation in addition to the normal audio. In the minutes before the call, you can gain access to stream the live presentation here.  Follow the link to the Q1-2015 Earnings Conference […]

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We’ll Be at Linley This Wednesday…

For those attending the Linley Tech Mobile Conference in Santa Clara this Wednesday, our very own Dr. Tim Saxe will be continuing his “speaking tour” with a speech entitled “Partitioning Between Software and Hardware is Key to Ultra-Low Power”, followed by a panel discussion, starting at 1PM local time. Additionally, we’ll be hosting an exhibit […]

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QuickLogic on SemiWiki

SemiWiki covered our ArcticLink 3 S2 LP sensor hub today in an article called Sensing Without (much) Power. Among the highlights:  “Quicklogic is the only solution provider with the power consumption of a custom ASIC, the flexibility of an MCU and the algorithm capabilities of a software company.” Enjoy!   […]

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And Because SenseMe Isn’t Just for Fitness….

A few days ago, we released a video of some of the fitness use cases that SenseMe™ can enable.  While fitness is definitely one the leading (if not the leading) use cases for today’s wearables, we’d be neglectful in not talking about what else SenseMe offers.  So, another video…   SenseMe is ever-evolving.   Our algorithms […]

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Press Coverage on the S2 LP

Following up on yesterday’s announcement of the ArcticLink 3 S2 LP sensor hub for wearables and smartphones, here are some links to related third party press. EE Times “Wearables are already on a slim power budget, but QuickLogic Corp. aims to alleviate some of the designer’s grief with a sensor hub with reduced power consumption […]

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On the Apple Watch…

Apple’s formal announcement of the their smartwatch yesterday has predictably set the consumer device world into a tizzy, with one camp declaring an end game for all other smart wearables, and another camp reacting with a collective ‘meh’.  The majority of people seem to be in the middle.  They have an interest in the device, […]

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