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Aurora 2.4 Development Tool: Celebrating the Power of Open-Source Innovation

Aurora 2.4 Development Tool

QuickLogic is thrilled to introduce version 2.4 of our Aurora eFPGA development tool suite. This release is packed with cool updates that improve the utilization and performance of reconfigurable computing in your RTL designs. This release is super special because it’s built on a strong foundation of open-source modules. We believe in openness and transparency, […]

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eFPGA Complements OpenHW CORE-V MCU at Embedded World

OpenHW Group's CORE-V MCU Development Kit

At the recent Embedded World Conference in Nuremberg Germany, Digi-Key’s Paige West interviewed Rick O’Connor, the President, and CEO at OpenHW Group, about the organization’s CORE-V MCU Development Kit for IoT applications. As Rick mentions in the interview, OpenHW Group is a non-profit open-source ecosystem with 88 partners and members around the world focused on […]

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Our Australis Announcement Heralds the New Era of “Mass Customization”

Several Key Challenges Facing Our Industry We are at a unique inflection point in the semiconductor industry. On one hand, the physical manifestation of Moore’s Law has given us devices with amazing capabilities. On the other hand, as an industry we are struggling to continue down that path as power consumption, density and other physical […]

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Broader Acceptance of Open Source Strategies – It’s Happening Now

A little over a year ago, I wrote a blog article called “The Tipping Point”. It was focused on the recent announcement of our QuickLogic Open Reconfigurable Computing (QORC) initiative and the reasons why I thought it made a lot of sense for QuickLogic to embrace open source development tools and platforms. At the time […]

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QuickLogic and the DARPA Toolbox Initiative

As we discussed on several of our previous earnings calls over the past year, we have undertaken multiple strategic initiatives to broaden the served markets for our programmable logic and to do so in a more scalable way. Initially, this started with the announcement of our QuickLogic Open Reconfigurable Computing (QORC) initiative, which resulted in […]

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Endless Possibilities

Today, together with Crowd Supply and SparkFun, we announced the next generation of QuickFeather called SparkFun Thing Plus – QuickLogic EOS S3. This new development kit is being manufactured and sold by SparkFun, a popular online retailer of electronic kits and components, and will launch exclusively on Crowd Supply, a well-known online distribution platform. Later […]

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FOSSi Movement

Olof Kindgren, director of the FOSSi (Free and Open Source Silicon) Foundation and a well-known advocate of open source tool flows, recently wrote up a kind of 2020 year in review article called “FOSSi Fever 2020”. In that piece, he dedicated a section to discussing QuickLogic’s proactive open source efforts and noted that we are […]

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EDA Cafe Video & LCA Presentation

EDA Café Video Interview with Brian Faith Brian Faith spoke with Sanjay Gangal of EDA Café about QuickLogic’s technology, device and their support of Open Source software like Zephyr, FreeRTOS, Symbiflow & Antmicro. Brian also shared why open source is a game changer for the future of technology. You can watch the interview at […]

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Electronics Industry Predictions

Brian Faith was asked to provide predictions for the Electronics Industry for 2021. His reflections make for some very interesting reading, especially with respect to the democratization of technology access through the use of Open Source tools. You can find the complete article on the EDA Cafe website. You can also click the following link […]

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