QuickLogic Blog

Brian Faith Special Guest this Week on The Amp Hour Electronics Podcast

QuickLogic’s CEO Brian Faith was recently interviewed on “The Amp Hour Electronics Podcast”, a roughly hour-long weekly podcast hosted by Dave Jones in Australia and Chris Gammell in the U.S. This episode covers – Open FPGA Toolchains and Machine Learning.

The free-ranging discussion covered a lot of ground related to QuickLogic and SensiML technology, including QL’s foray into open source development tools, its QORC (QuickLogic Open Reconfigurable Computing) initiative, and how that whole environment is enhanced by the company’s new QuickFeather open-source hardware development board. They went on to discuss the SensiML tools for Machine Learning, how they work, and how QuickLogic and SensiML are sponsoring a Hackster contest to help mitigate the effects of climate change. Chris and Brian finished by talking about the various applications that QuickLogic and SensiML are well-positioned to address including products in the wearable, industrial, consumer, and automotive spaces and also how QuickLogic licenses various IP blocks and that those blocks can also be designed using open source tools.

For more information or to listen to the podcast, visit theamphour.com/category/guests/#525

The Amp Hour podcast airs each week on Sunday evenings (in the U.S.), where the hosts deliver a non-scripted show covering a wide range of industry topics from hobby electronics to the state of art in components and circuit design. Every other week the hosts invite key people from across the industry; the shows are recorded live each week and are delivered without editing.