QuickLogic Blog

How Your Tiny Design Can Help Solve a Giant Problem

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Scientists in multiple fields and geographies around the globe have identified climate change as one of the world’s most pressing issues. As the earth warms, we will all be affected, some more so than others.

This challenge is so large and widespread that there isn’t a single solution. Instead, we need a lot of bright minds creating a myriad of solutions, and we believe that if you are reading this blog you are likely to be someone who can help. That’s why we’ve created a climate change challenge, providing prizes for those with the best ideas about how to use our tiny platforms to create IoT devices to help tackle the giant problem of climate change.

We believe that our QuickFeather development kit, featuring a small board with an ultra-low power EOS S3 platform with an integrated Arm Cortex processor, embedded FPGA technology, and a host of on-chip resources, is just the right place to start. Coupled with our completely open source QuickLogic Open Reconfigurable Computing (QORC) development environment to create your design, and the SensiML Analytics Toolkit, and you now have a tiny, ultra-low power, super-smart device ready to take on some of the world’s biggest challenges.

Your solution can be any intelligent IoT device which uses AI processing at the endpoint to improve awareness, change behavior, or optimize processes to help resolve climate change or mitigate its impacts. Some of the specific application segments include electricity and heat production, home and office energy conservation, industrial processes, agriculture or forestry management, building environmental controls, and energy generation and transmission. More information on the details of the challenge can be found on our website at www.quicklogic.com/climate-change-challenge.

So please unleash your creativity and intellect and direct them towards defeating this worldwide monster of a problem. Gain the respect and admiration of your peers, and maybe win a cash prize along the way. This challenge is real, but we know that it’s no match for your, and humankind’s, collective ingenuity.