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Major Takeaways from Mary Meeker’s Internet Trends Report

On May 31st, Mary Meeker – long time Silicon Valley tech trends watcher and currently a partner at the prestigious Kleiner Perkins Caulfield Beyers venture capital firm – delivered her annual internet trends report at the Code Conference held at the Terrenea Resort in Rancho Palos Verdes.  For those who have enough time to flip through all 355 slides, Kleiner Perkins has posted a copy of her presentation on their website here:  Videos of the presentation can be found using your favorite search engine.

For everyone else, we’ve distilled four of her key findings that we think are especially relevant to QuickLogic.  

  1. Time spent on mobile devices approximately doubled from 2014 to 2016. Primary drivers for that growth were new use cases and improved accuracy of voice interface.
  2. 20% of all mobile inquires are done using voice and that number is growing rapidly.  Google’s voice recognition technology achieved 95% accuracy this year, which is a key milestone and roughly as accurate as human recognition.  Soon it will be even better.
  3. The use of wearable technology nearly quadrupled from 2014 to 2016.  Now 25% of Americans use wearable technology and that percentage should continue to grow.
  4. Wearables and smartphones currently incorporate a large number of sensors and more are constantly being added.

So why are these findings relevant to our business? 

  • QuickLogic is focused on the mobile, wearable and IoT markets where ultra-low power is imperative and in some use cases, needed to enable new applications involving voice and sensor processing.
  • QuickLogic enables voice interface at a fraction of the power consumption used in more common software design approach.
  • QuickLogic enables immersive sensor processing while maintaining ultra-low power consumption that is within the limits of its targeted applications, and substantially lower than the power consumed by traditional MCU sensor hubs that do not meet these targeted limits when running at the high duty cycles required for immersive use cases.
  • QuickLogic’s EOS™ S3 Sensor Processing System is a System on a Chip (SoC) solution for wearable designs using Real Time Operating Systems (RTOS) and is designed to deliver best-in-class processing, power consumption and value.
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